CICAPP Candidates Information

November 12, 2012

Dear 3rd Year Class and Post Academic Candidates,
This letter is both to help clarify the expectations and criteria for graduation from the TCPP. As you are a unique class in the sense of having begun the 3 year program and now having the option of participating in and graduating from the 4 year program, there appear to be some questions and confusions. My hope is that the following information and details will help address these.
Firstly, graduating from the TCPP regardless of it being the 3 or 4 year training involves the following:

  • Attending a minimum of 80% of the classes and if seminars missed then submit a summary of the article(s) to the teacher ( this does not apply to the clinical case seminars)
  • Being involved in personal psychoanalytic psychotherapy upon entrance to program and at least until completion of the first year of the first clinical case.
  • Complete the clinical requirements and reports of the specific training ( 3 or 4 year program)
  • Student Progress Committee reviews the quality of reports, teachers’ evaluations based on participation and supervisors’ evaluations and then determines readiness for graduating or if additional requirements are deemed necessary.

Requirements for 3 Year Program:

  • 3 years of didactic seminars
  • 2 Assessments – 6-8 hours of supervision per assessment for total =15 hours
    One report per assessment
  • 2 Treatment cases ( seen weekly or twice per week)- Case 1 = 65 hours of supervision
    Case 2 = 45 hours of supervision

One assessment report per case and one treatment report in next reporting period. Different supervisors and total supervision = 125 hours

Requirements for 4 Year Program:

  • 360 hours of didactic seminars; over 3 ½ years and must attend at least 2 CAPCT workshops to complete hours) 450 Direct Client Contacts and 185 supervision hours
  • 3 Assessments – each as follows
    Age Direct Client Contacts (18) Supervision Hours (15) Reports
    2-6 yrs 2-3 parent, 3 child minimum of 4 1
    7-12 yrs 2-3 parent, 3 child minimum of 4 1
    12-19yrs 2-3 parent, 3 child minimum of 4 1
  • Cases: can be done in whatever order for A, B, C, different ages and different supervisors
    Direct Client Contacts (332) Supervision Hours Reports *
    Case A min. 50 35 1 Assessment report
    1 Treatment report
    Case B min. 100 50 1 Assessment report
    1 Treatment report
    Case C min. 50 35 1 Assessment report
    1 Treatment report
    Case D min. 50 50 1 Assessment report
    1 treatment report
    -Balance of the 182 DCC can then be added to Cases A, B, C, D with continued supervision on a less frequent basis; minimum of every two weeks. This supervision can cover any of DCC of ongoing clinical cases.
    * With continuation of supervision and DCC (for the balance of the 182 DCC), after the minimum of one of the Cases then a final treatment report must be submitted for the next reporting date Nov. or May. This final report demonstrates the ongoing treatment and additions/revisions to the previous formulation.
    -If a treatment report is not submitted for a reporting date ( Nov. or May), then supervision must be on a weekly basis.
  • Graduates of the 3 year program will receive a certificate and graduates of the 4 year program receive a diploma. The 4 year program follows the criteria for the College of Registered Psychotherapists.
    As well we are asking that you make a decision in writing by Jan 15th 2013 which program you will be following and intending to graduate from. This will help in our planning for your class.
    I hope this explains the requirements for completing the programs. Should you have any further questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Dena Tenenhouse
Director, TCPP