Absenteeism Policy

Please click here to download the Absenteeism Policy Document PDF (rev Oct 2014)


AMENDED: October 2014

While there is an expectation for attendance for all classes, we do understand that at times circumstances arise that cannot be helped. This policy statement is to remind all candidates and faculty about our standards around absenteeism.

  • Candidates should contact the instructor if they will be missing a seminar. You may find their contact information on the CICAPP website and also on the Class Contact Lists;
  •  Candidates need to summarize the articles that will be discussed during the missed seminar. The summary should be approximately one page and include any clinical examples that relate to the concepts in the articles. This should be emailed to the instructor within one week of the missed class. This helps to ensure that you have understood the material covered during your absence;
  • Faculty will read the summaries and may comment on this;
  • Please remember that participation is part of candidates’ evaluation towards meeting criteria to graduate.