
Welcome to your CICAPP Exam Year 4 June 2022

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  1. All the questions of this test are mandatory.
  2. All the questions are multiple-choice questions with only one correct answer.
  3. One (1) mark will be awarded for all correct answers and there is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
  4. The total duration of the quiz is 90 minutes and upon completion of the duration, your answers will be automatically submitted.
  5. Please fill in the details below to start the exam.


Which of the following is unique to the beginning phase of treatment for child therapy?

One therapeutic option for working with children is working via the parent. That type of work starts when

Which of the following can be expected in the evaluation phase of working with parents and children:

18-year-old Nelly has been in treatment for 6 months now and usually comes to sessions by herself. She is often late or cancelling. In sessions, she is talking about her life and how she is fine. As therapist, you are feeling disconnected and kept at a distance. What phase of treatment could she possibly be in at this time?

In the middle phase, there is usually:

Working with parents, especially through the middle phase of treatment, is often necessary with early adolescence because:

Which of the following may be an example of the parent’s characterological perversions being sequestered in a child presenting with robotic and affect, severe anxiety and perfectionism? 

Parental externalization is defined as:

The following are often signs that the client is ready for termination:

What must happen to the transference at the termination phase?

At termination phase, what parent work would be important?

Some parents may become anxious at the end of therapy, and will be not ready to do finish the work with the therapist so:

In his discussion on sibling dynamics, Freud stated, “The elder child ill-treats the younger, maligns him and robs him of his toys; while the younger is consumed with impotent rage against the elder, envies and fears him, or meets his oppressor with the first stirrings of a love of liberty and a sense of justice.” Is this true or false?

Since children are unwitting recipients of projections from the sorrowful stories of their parents’ past, it is important to recognize the extent to which children internalize and identify with the projections. Therefore, in the treatment of children, it is crucial that one: 

Due to the intense relationship between twins since the point of conception, relationship between twins have a profound effect on the development of a sense of self in each twin. The way to differentiate if pathological development in one individual is attributed to the twinship would be:

What type of consent do I need for working with a young child whose parents are going through a divorce?

Registrants with the CRPO should receive clinical supervision depending on the:

Which of the following information is not required on the receipts issued to clients for psychotherapy?

What are the main purposes of psychiatric and psychoanalytic diagnoses?

Besides clinicians who else uses psychiatric DSM diagnoses?

Medication is not a primary form of treatment for which of the following?

Which of the following are not approved CRPO psychotherapy modalities?

14-year-old Vijay was brought into therapy because his teachers complained that he was not paying attention and not turning in any of his assignments. He was withdrawn and only interested in video games.  His parents shared that he was naturally smart and did not have any trouble with school work until now. In addition to individual therapy with you, what would you recommend:

17-year-old Sabby was brought into treatment by her mother because she has lost more than 10% of her weight.  She has stopped eating and her period hasn’t occurred for 4 months. Overall, she is showing a lot of lethargy and irritability. What is the first thing you will recommend?

Which of the following best describes the function of interpretation?

Enactments can be thought of as:

Which of the following is NOT a self object need or self object function?

The therapist of a 12 year old boy realizes she has been dreaming of her client and they are being rescuing him from a burning building. She also has not met with the parents for a few months. This could be understood as:

Asking the parents of an adopted 13 year old boy why they think their son is stealing from them, not performing at school, and always angry can be thought of as:

Parents of a client have not paid their fees for 3 months. The therapist hears from client that they are going on a family trip to Disneyworld.  The following week the therapist develops a stomachache and cancels the client’s session.

A female client, 17 years says that she feels she is obsessed with worrying about her best friend who is “so intense and has not been eating”. In the next session she complains that her father hasn’t been cooking dinners and forgot to buy groceries for her to prepare meals.

A male client, aged 11 witnessed his father beat his stepmother to the point of her being hospitalized and later dying. Following several sessions when the client spoke in details about the incident, he now recounts a visit to the zoo with his grandparents. He does not mention anything in this session about the incident. 

The primary goal of abuse is to:

Those who experience domestic violence or intimate partner violence often do not report it to the police due to:

What group is most at risk for gender-based violence?

Domestic violence can happen in many forms of relationships, including:

Children who are exposed to domestic violence cope by:

John recounts a dream about him walking down the street and then being chased by giant wolves. His father lets go of his hand and disappears. He goes on to say that his father has COVID. In order to understand his dream we need to rely on: 

Ferenczi advocated throughout the 1920's for clinical innovation arising from his insights about: 

In the reading ‘Psychodynamic approaches to suicide and self-harm’, Yakeley and Burbridge-James theorize that in the development of the self: 

In the reading ‘Psychodynamic approaches to suicide and self-harm’, Yakeley and Burbridge-James state that ‘acting out’

In the reading ‘Psychodynamic approaches to suicide and self-harm’, Yakeley and Burbridge-James state that self-harm

Bick observed that repeated failures in material care ushers in a distortion of psychic skin functioning which she described as a ‘second skin’. What function do ‘toughening’ defenses serve

It is your first assessment with an 8 year old online. The mother sets up computer in child’s room and then leaves. Ten minutes later a brother enters room to get a toy and leaves. Twenty minutes later mother returns to see how things are going. Therapist says fine and the client crawls under the desk when she leaves again.

Maria is a three-year-old girl who is from South America.  She can speak well in her native tongue. The parents both say that Maria understands English perfectly, but mother complains that she will not “listen” to her when she is told to do something she doesn’t want to do.  There are no other siblings. Maria’s mother had survived hardships due to political situations when she was a child. She often was left at home and had little or no food to eat until late at night when her parents came home. When Maria’s mother returned to work, she was 14 months old. Maria would only sleep in her parents’ bed.   She frequently refuses the food her mother offered. Mother is frustrated and worried that her daughter will become ill if she does not eat properly.  

1) In the context of this vignette, one might consider the role of anxiety. In his revised theory of anxiety, Freud believed that:

2) Maria’s mother’s anxiety over her daughter’s refusal of food and becoming ill may reflect:

3) To better understand the meaning of the Maria’s behaviour what further interventions would you consider

4) Maria’s presentation - not listening to her mother, refusing to sleep in her own bed and refusal of food, may indicate:

Jack is a sturdy and beautiful child with blond hair and blue eyes and an engaging direct gaze.  He is just four years old.  On a first appointment he is dressed in OshKosh overalls and a fluorescent pink baseball cap.  The therapist admires his cap and he immediately launches into a discussion of whether pink or purple is his favourite colour; sometimes it’s the one, sometimes the other. In a subsequent appointment, Jack ties a scarf around his waist and demonstrates how it can function as a skirt, and he wiggles his hips a bit.  He and the therapist discuss how he prefers to play with girls and how his best friends are Amy and Sue-Ellen.  He is open and unabashed about this. Jack usually plays with the toy train.  A common scenario is for two trains to crash into each other, and the ambulance and fire engine institute rescue operations, ferrying people to the hospital. Other information about Jack is gathered from his mother.  He likes to dress in her clothes and try on her make-up.  At nursery school he tended to play exclusively with at the doll centre with the girls. Mother has already taken Jack to a gender identity clinic where she has been advised to discourage these behaviours on the grounds that Jack will be targeted, and perhaps bullied eventually when he starts regular school.  She worries that this will inhibit him and squelch his “creativity”. Jack’s mother has recently moved back to her parents’ home in a small town in western Ontario.  Her husband arranges music in a recording studio.  They are separated, but for the previous two years they had been living in the same house; he in the basement apartment and she and Jack upstairs.  Father keeps late night hours, so he often didn’t see much of Jack.  Father uses drugs on a regular basis. Mother struggles with bulimia and described one occasion when she was vomiting in the bathroom, while Jack was screaming outside the door

1) In the session where Jack ties a scarf around his waist and demonstrates how it can function as a skirt, wiggling his hips, therapeutic interventions may involve:

2) What are the considerations a clinician must take into account when working with separated/divorced parents?

3) Considering Jack’s presentation and home situation, which of the following goals of therapy would be more suitable?

4) Jack’s gender development is a result of: